Digital Toys Inside-Out

I’ve described a number of gadgets before, but we’ve typically looked at these from the outside – the consumer view of digitalzoa.  This article, however, is for anyone who loves taking apart electronics – it’s about a digital gadget that you play with from the inside-out – the Arduino.  The Arduino is a “cheaper-by-the-dozen” digital

When Disks Crash… Continued

I thought I should provide the conclusion of the Terastation story.  I did finally receive and install the new WD 500GB hard disk, but sadly the RAID rebuild did not preserve my data.  I am still wondering if there was something I could have done differently to preserve the redundant data – if I had

When Disks Crash…

There are many things to discuss on the subject of maintaining your aging digital zoo, but I will share about some recent struggles with aging data storage.  It’s just a fact of computer operations that hard disks crash.  I have associates who work in large datacenters and they forecast disk replacements by the month –

Safety In Numbers

When selecting home computing components, chose ones that have recognized brands and some level of popularity – ones that will be around for a while. It’s your only hedge against newere software making your old hardware obsolete.

Ubuntu For You

You may be one of those people who say, “I’m a PC”, but Linux may still have something to offer you in your home or office.  If you have an older PC or laptop that you are going to give away or try to sell on eBay, you may want to reconsider.   Instead of getting